Monday, 13 January 2025

Tetris Forever Review (Switch)

Digital Eclipse are back again with another one of their interactive documentaries, this time covering everyone’s favourite block stacking puzzle game. We’ve covered both their Jeff Minter and Karateka retrospectives before and found them to be informative and well worth looking at.

The mix of detailed documents and interviews mixed with selections of games is an enticing mix and when done well lifts these collections above some of the money grab compilations out there. It’s always trickier when collections surround one particular game though as you are effectively going to get multiple versions of the same thing, as is the case here, although there is more variation than you may be expecting.

Before we get on to that, it’s worth saying that if you are a fan of Tetris and want to know about its history then this has been expertly put together and curated. It follows in great detail the intriguing story that had people rushing around Moscow trying to get hold of the rights. A story so compelling it was turned into a half decent film. There’s also a lorry load of documents and interviews that cover pretty much every aspect of Tetris up to about 1999.

While the history is complete, it does show up some of the gaps in the game library. There always going to be rights issues and limits to what is possible when it comes to these documentary style compilations and unfortunately there was no way that Nintendo was ever going to release the rights to Tetris on the NES or Gameboy. This is of course problematic as the Gameboy version in particular is the one most closely associated with the franchise and the global conquering success that is had. All the information about it is present, but the game itself is nowhere to be seen. Nintendo has since released both the NES and Gameboy versions on its own Online service so at least they are out there somewhere.

If that doesn’t put you off though you get a sizable catalogue of block rotating action. There are 19 games in total, and they aren’t all Tetris in its traditional sense. You get a host of different versions of the classic title ranging from the Electronika 60 up to Super Tetris 3 on the Super Famicom. Along with this there are versions of the various spinoffs such as Hatris, Welltris, Bombliss and the Battle Gaiden versions. All of which have their own appeal and work the format well.

Exclusive to this collection is a new version of the game called Tetris: Time Warp which is a fun take which occasional throws in random versions of retro Tetris games into the mix as you are playing, allowing players to earn bonus points. It works very well and while it’s probably not worth buying the whole collection for, it certainly is a very good and welcome addition to the collection that takes the sting out of some of the key versions being missing.

Overall, whether you need to get this collection rests on a couple of key things. That being, how bothered are you going to be that the most iconic versions of the game aren’t here, how much you care about the Tetris story and how much a new version of the game excites you. It’s enough for us to recommend it though as the whole package is so well put together.

Overall 8/10

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