Atari has been going full throttle recently with both its back catalogue and trying to bring new IP to the market as well as merchandise and original cartridges for legacy systems. We’ve covered multiple releases so far with many more falling by the wayside as the sheer amount of them are seemingly near impossible to cover. Mr Run and Jump is an attempt to create something new in the retro style and possibly set up a new mascot for the company as well. It’s a good thing then that it’s actually pretty good fun.
Mr Run and Jump follows in the footsteps of the host of
indie hardcore platformers out there. A sort of neon Super Meat Boy if you
will. And it is pretty hardcore. The levels get difficult quickly and though
the game is short, the individual levels are lengthier than you would expect
from this sort of game. You don’t have to beat them in one go though. Each
stage is built out of a number of different screens and when you move from one to
the next it acts like a checkpoint. Of course, one touch and you will die but
at least you are not sent back too far each time. For those that die often and
want to progress there is the option to turn Mr Run and Jump rainbow which
makes him much more durable.
The thing that sets it apart from many of them is its visual
style. It has a clear vector design with objects and characters outlined with different
neon colours. This perfectly captures the retro feel that the game is going
for. The simple but striking design also makes it clearer for players to
identify traps and obstacles meaning it’s easier to concentrate on racing
through the levels. In terms of the look of the game it’s a resounding success.
Each level is filled to the brim with spikes, traps and
enemies and you’ll need to be using your entire move set pretty early on in
order to even have a chance of getting to the next area. Mr Run and Jump can
double jump and wall slide, roll and sort of rocket along with the moves
chainable in quick succession. A simple jump will quickly not do, so before you
know it you’ll have to jump, slide down the wall before rocketing between a set
of spikes or enemies. It’s helpful then that Mr Run and Jump is responsive and easy
to control, which of course means everyone of the many deaths you will suffer
are entirely down to you. There’s a host of collectables in each stage for the platforming
sadists out there with both shards and orbs (retrieved from even more devious trap
filled rooms) filling each stage and needed to access the later levels of the
Overall, this is a good step from Atari and trying to
establish some new franchises, while also tapping into the nostalgia held by
both the brand and in the minds of the many gamers that still recognise Atari
with fondness from their youth. It must also be said that Atari hasn’t really
put a step wrong so far in this mass marketing of their held IP. The many
arcade revivals, collections, and it’s Warioware alike have all been fun, well presented,
and worth playing. Mr Run and Jump is no different and is another easy recommendation
from us.
Overall 8/10