The Switch is packed with RPG’s so it was always going to take something different to standout from the crowd. Most of Square Enix’s back catalogue is here so we are a little surprised to see a fairly low budget indie game step up and give the big boys a run for their money.
Beyond Galaxyland, is a game based on old sci-fi and B movies
and has our hero Doug, taken off to the stars in order to save earth. The galaxy
he finds himself in is inhabited by not only humans but normal earth animals
which have now transformed into walking, talking versions of themselves and an
array of other alien life. It’s ok though, as Doug has his newly transformed
giant hamster companion to help him through.
Presentation wise, the game is a side scrolling 2.5D affair.
You can move in and out of the screen at various points as well to add depth to
some of the locations. There are occasional puzzles and sections which require
some object placement or basic platforming but it’s mainly about finding your way
through the environments.
When you encounter enemies the game switches to a turn-based
system not dissimilar to many other games of this genre. You have your basic
attack option as well as being able to use special skills, items or summon any
of the many creatures you can capture along the way. Combat has a small
contextual and timed element to them on attack and defence to keep things a touch
more interactive than fully traditional RPG games as well.
The capture mechanic adds a very light pokemon style element
where you need to photograph the enemy, then try and entrap them in combat.
Once this is done, they bring a special move to the party. Summons can also be
levelled up and improved as the game goes on. There are a few other systems in play
as well, with a crafting mechanic available for those looking to grind the best
The game also has an excellent quest and map system.
Everything is organised clearly and it’s easy to work out what you are meant to
be doing. If you get really stuck, you can have guidance to your next waypoint
as well. Occasionally you’ll have some issues working out what level something
is on but it isn’t often enough to frustrate for long.
What will likely divide players though is the graphical
style used. There’s a heavy, old school, style pixel approach here that can make
it hard to identify fine details at times. It’s also just a bit too dark at
times, especially in some of the dungeons. Certain areas do look suitably
impressive though when the visual clutter clears.
Above everything else though the main thing about Beyond
Galaxyland is that it’s incredibly engaging. The characters and dialogue are
well written and often humorous, so in your interludes between adventuring you
are still keen to push forward and return to continue your adventure after
setting the game down.
Overall, Beyond Galaxyland is another indie gem that
deserves far more widespread recognition. It may be a touch rough around the
edges but there’s so much here that works perfectly it would be remiss of any
RPG fan not to give this a go. Those that do will find a fun and rewarding game
that gives you hours of planets to explore.
Overall 8/10