Although we found Trine 3 to be a lot of fun it didn’t reach the heights of the first two games in the series. The 3D design allowed for some fun set pieces but nothing really held together as tightly as in the series 2.5D roots. With this in mind we were pleased to see Frozenbyte return Trine 4 to the 2.5D style and venture forth once more into a world of fiendish puzzle design and beautiful landscapes.
The plot of the Trine series have never really been the main
highlight but it still helps to set up the fantasy world and characters that
move within it. This time our three heroes are on the trail of a prince who is
having nightmares that are taking form in reality and threatening to cast the
world into shadow. Ok then.
In order to save the world, Amadeus the wizard, Pontius the
knight and Zora the thief must solve puzzles, engage in some platforming and
fight off some shadowy apparitions that seem to mainly take the form of big
wolves. The puzzles are excellent throughout and will stretch both new and returning.
As you progress each of the characters is granted new skills which are then
filtered into the puzzle design. For instance, at one point Pontius gains the
ability to set up a sort of magical second shield that can be used to deflect
light beams and water. This technique is then heavily required for the
following few levels. The adding of the new elements keeps things fresh and
always keeps players on their toes.
The combat though fails to reach the same sort of heights.
Most of time fighting comes down to being enclosed in an arena which fills with
monsters. It’s then a mad scramble to get Pontius around to kill things quickly
enough before he is taken out. The other two characters aren’t much use in the
tight arena setting and it feels samey and repetitive quickly. This is
something that was never an issue in previous games so it is somewhat
disappointing to see such unimaginative action sections appear here. It’s also
not helped by the fact that playing undocked makes everything so small that you
can’t really tell what’s happening close up (something again not helped by the
dreamy aura that surrounds enemies).
Though the combat is disappointing, most of the time you
will be trying to overcome traps and obstacles in creative ways. Most things
you come up against have multiple solutions so it allows the player to deal
with things in whichever way they see fit. For example, getting over spikes
might be achievable by summoning blocks but you could also get across them by having
Pontius dash or by Zora swinging.
The difficulty has also been knocked down a touch as
characters that die can now be brought back to life more easily. In previous
games players had to make it through a checkpoint to restore lost companions
but now they will pop back up after a small amount of time has passed. If you
want to play the game in the classic way you still can (and good luck to you if
you try it).
The levels themselves are of an exceptional overall quality
and look stunning throughout the five acts. They are also long but never
outstay their welcome due to the ingenuity and variety present throughout. It’s
also worth noting we didn’t hit any type of technical issue when playing
Overall, Trine 4 is a well-crafted, creative and fun
addition to the Trine franchise. The puzzles are exceptional and the game is
consistently jaw dropping in terms of visuals. It’s not quite up to the near
perfection of Trine 2 but it’s a substantial and enjoyable adventure and shows
that there is still life in both the franchise and the 2.5D format if
Frozenbyte decide to keep the game going in this direction.
Overall 8/10
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