The first Stealth Inc game was a very taxing, very inventive
platform/puzzle game that had players trying to lead their little clone through
a series of test chambers with the aim being to get to the exit door of each
stage. Stealth Inc. 2 is much the same but the production values, writing and
story have all been upped and the fact it’s currently a Wii U exclusive gives
Nintendo’s indie game library quite a boost.
The story isn’t exactly in-depth but it allows a dark edge
of humour to subtly be placed throughout the game. It revolves around a lab
employee who sits in second place in his companies productivity scores. Sitting
just one point above him is his rival. It would all be fine if it weren’t for
the fact that the clones keep escaping and not doing quite what they should.
You play the role of the helpless clone trying to escape the
institute but finding yourself continually unable to resist the draw of taking on
the test chambers. The new hub world acts to channel you around the institute with
each completed test chamber opening new areas and giving the brief glimmer of
hope that you might be getting close to finally escaping once and for all. It’s
not dissimilar to the atmosphere created by Portal and that is certainly not a
bad thing.
The levels themselves can only be described as devious. We
certainly wouldn’t have thought you could have created so much with the basic tool
set of trip switches, lasers and moving blocks. The original Stealth Inc. displayed
some stunning level design and Stealth Inc. 2 seems to take it to a level beyond
even that. The fact your unseen overseer keeps leaving you sarcastic comments
as you go only adds to the atmosphere.
The hub world itself is one huge puzzle that gradually
unlocks and needs to be traversed as you proceed. It really helps to pull the
game together and adds much more charm to the game than the simple listed level
approach of the first game. Little touches of design such as robot vacuums
cleaning deserted corridors and employees going about their business help to
create the illusion of the facility and also really differentiate the hub world
from the self-contained levels.
The big addition is that some of the puzzles now involve
other rescued clones helping you out. This can also be done through local co-op
which adds yet another little treat into the mix. A few pieces of equipment are
also on hand to shake things up a bit and the different ways these are used
demonstrates yet more design genius from the developers. For instance – an inflatable
buddy is seemingly there to act as a weight on switches. Soon though you will
realise you can use it to propel yourself like a trampoline from it or use it to
strand enemy robots.
Though the original game was excellent we just found
ourselves having even more fun with this one. The extra touches of humour, the
even more inventive level design and the perfectly judged learning curve make
this a real joy to play. There aren’t many games that make you feel so
elated working your way through a level solving little pieces of puzzles
that add up to a bigger solution.
As before there is a level editor included and players can
then share their sadistic creations with the rest of the gaming community. This
could well mean that there will be new levels for fans to play for many years
to come.
Overall, this really is an exclusive Nintendo should be
shouting about. It takes all the elements from the excellent original and levels
everything out while adding a big dollop of humour and some nice additional modes.
It’s one of the most pure platform/puzzle experiences we’ve played for many a
year and there is absolutely no reason for you not to buy it.
Overall 10/10
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